Virtual Author Visit with Special Guest: Brady the Therapy Dog

We are happy to announce that our favorite therapy dog, Brady, has a brand new book out all about him: Listen, Different is Good (One Dog's Journey to Find His Superpower). Join us for a virtual reading of his book with his owner and author, Kerrie Kleppin-Winn! If you are interested in getting your own copy of the book, go to his fan page on …

Storytime on Facebook LIVE – Catch an Elf

We’re going to set a trap to catch our elf, Gumdrop! Join Ms. Joanne for some holiday fun! If you have any bells at home or anything that makes a little noise, have them ready to use!

Storytime on Facebook LIVE – Early Groundhog Day

What do a Yeti and a groundhog have in common? Tune into our Storytime and find out! We'll be celebrating Groundhog Day early! Children will want to have a scarf or cloth to play with.  

Storytime on Facebook LIVE – Pajama Day

It's been so cold outside so let's stay in our PJs for Storytime! It doesn't matter what time of day it is, pajamas are the best! Make sure you have your favorite stuffed friend join us, too!